Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coming To Terms

After being in denial for about 6 months I have finally come to terms with fact that I am depressed and have an eating disorder. I had for a while been told by one of my teachers that she thought that I was depressed and had an eating disorder. I honestly didn't want to believe her until I realized that I could not go a week without wanting to kill my self (had the thought but never acted on it). I could also see how she thought I had an eating disorder because I refuse to eat in front of anyone and could not eat three meals a day without giving myself a guilt trip or crying for eating a simple thing like an orange. I knew I needed help so I started seeing a therapist. So every Tuesday I shall blog about my "recovery". I hate using that word but I think it's suitable for this situation. If I blog about my sessions maybe I will process them better and hopefully understand why I've become such an unhappy person.

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