Friday, June 15, 2012

A New Start!

Today was the last day of school and I wasn't sure how I would handle it emotionally. Turns out I'm doing quite well! I'm excited that it's over because a new beginning is going to start. I'm starting college in September! I'm excited and nervous at the same time because it's a big change. Going from a small school and having familiar teachers around me to ending up at a place where by the end of your year you have no clue who your professors name is. I'm sure I will settle in alright. Next week I have my doctors appointment. I've decided to go back on my medication so I will be focused for college. Summer is just starting and I haven't been this happy for it for a while. I've always hated summer vacations but this year is different, I have not yet figured it out but maybe it's because I know the school year will be difficult and I know I need to take advantage of the free time that I have now!